Monkeys are always a fan favorite for tourists here in India. I can see why. They're fascinating little creatures -- small, (sort of) cuddly appearing, exotic, and most of all so interestingly and amazingly human-like in so many's difficult not to be drawn to them. (They've also got that whole Curious George thing going for them too -- definitely doesn't hurt). Some Indians, always quick to identify tourist money-taking opportunities, have realized this, and will take on pet monkeys, which they attach to ropes and will walk around with...this was never more evident than at some weird truck stop type place our non-english speaking Delhi to Agra driver (when we were on our way to the Taj Mahal) chose to pull over randomly and stop at for some 30 minutes while he went and disappeared somewhere. A steady stream of guys with pet monkeys would keep coming up to our car window (Selin was sleeping) trying to get me interested in their tied up pet monkey, trying to get me to want pictures, trying to get money...when really I just wanted them to go away so I could go back to sleep. Something about a monkey tied to a rope is a little bit sad...when they're free to roam around, they're cool, like you'd imagine...but when they're tied up captive monkeys, it's just not quite the same. I've had a lot of lifetime to get myself used to pet dogs on monkeys...not so much. (or bears either, for that matter. Apparently, in that same region (Rajasthan), pet bears used to be all the rage. They'd teach them to dance and would use them for the same purpose (tourist money extraction). Luckily, that practice has been mostly stopped, as the bears were becoming extinct and are now heavily protected. Who knew bears even existed in India? Amazing country.)
But I didn't start this blog post to tell long stories about the ethical treatment of monkeys...I just thought I'd share some fun pictures of monkeys we've encountered in our travels. Sometimes, I really lose focus of the objective at hand!!! With no further ado, monkey pictures: Hampi Monkey. This picture may be a repost. I realize I already blogged about Monkeys once before now. Darn you Curious George!
Mahabs Monkeys. These guys were hungry little critters! And not shy either. They really kind of freaked me out actually, I am lucky I did not fall right off that rock. They were looking for some sort of food or goodie, but my pockets (and backpack) were empty. Sorry.
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