------------Indian Welcoming Committee-----------

------------Indian Welcoming Committee-----------

Monday, March 05, 2007


A coworker just now emailed this out...if you have 10 minutes to kill, give this a shot:


If you take the quiz, post your score in the comments section. No fibbing, and no cheating -- we're all friends here. To get the spirit started, me, with all my worldly ways, having just spent 6 months over on the other side of the earth, managed an all-too-impressive score of...120. (that is not a very good score. My coworker scored 63. Good for you David Wiesen, eat my shorts! Note: in this quiz, the lower your score, the better) (spelling skills are helpful. As is fast typing, dad, you might not do very well on this one. Click. Clack. Clack.) (in my defense I was not very scientific in my approach. And I had music playing in the background which greatly distracted me. And Selin was helping me for the last 2 minutes.)


zrandles said...

I live in a bubble!

I got 49.

The highlights:

Missed - Australia, Norway, Syria

Got - Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, United States

Odds that anyone else will comment? Lower than 49/192.

Nic said...

Does my own comment count?

If your score was actually 49, that's pretty darn good. The scoring system is a little backwards -- a low score is better. So if you got 49, that means you knew 143 of the 192 countries, which is damn impressive. I only knew 72 (hence my score of 120). So if you got 49 and u live in a bubble, where do I live??? Yikes.