------------Indian Welcoming Committee-----------

------------Indian Welcoming Committee-----------

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Look what I found:

ME! On the world wide web! Today I made a fun discovery of a picture of me surfing (scroll down for the pic) on somebody else's blog. The more I use my blog and learn about them in general, the more I feel that blogs are pretty cool stuff. It's fun to read other people's writings and pictures, and have all that new, fresh, un-edited content just so available to you. And technology to search blogs and make the content even easier to find is pretty awesome also: to find my picture I used Google Blog search, searching for the keyword "surfing mahabalipuram." (I was trying to find if anybody else had been blogging about surfing there.)

Unless you're some celebrity and are tired of it, it's pretty cool to find a picture of yourself on the internet. With soooo many websites and soo much stuff out there, it is quite a moment when you stumble upon yourself out there like this. Small world we live in, and amazing how connected we can all be...The World is Flat. Good book recommendation by my Grampa. And I don't think old man Friedman even talks about blogs in it! Anyways, thank you 'Shrinked Immaculate' for your blog, and thank you for including my picture. I hope you enjoyed your dip. I left you a comment. :)

Final note: sadly, that picture does as good a job of any of capturing what the surf has been like most of the time over here. Not very good. (But not very crowded!)

1 comment:

Shrinked Immaculate said...

Hey Nic, Its pretty wonderful to find someone featured on my blog. I waited for that shot of u for about 5 minutes until you got that wave u wanted. And I wanted to do something like that too. You are right, the world is an extremely small place. I hope you come over to Chandigarh some time and maybe we can meet in person.