------------Indian Welcoming Committee-----------

------------Indian Welcoming Committee-----------

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Been neglecting the ol' PaneerBelly a bit lately! Apologies. In truth, the internet situation at our house has gotten so bad that I can no longer stand to wait the ~4 minutes it takes to load a single photo (with about a 50% success rate) and have been keeping my dang laptop closed and turned off during normal peak blogging hours (9 PM to midnight). Hopefully, we can figure something out about this internet situation, it's like I'm in 1995 all over again on the old Corvallis ProAxis dial-up connection!! (!!!!!remember that? -- wow, the internets has come a long way)... Now the internet situation at work is far more civilized -- it's quite speedy -- but unfortunately I'm not paid to blog. (I wish!)

Anyway, just a quick note letting you know all is not lost, the belly is not abandoned, and I'm still alive and well over here in India. Really enjoying this experience a ton, and learning so much about the opposite side of the world and all there is to see and explore.

I'm going to see what I can do about getting some pictures up, and supposedly progress is being made on our internet connection, so hopefully I'll have more for you soon. Until then, "selavu!" (that's goodbye in Telugu -- the native language here in Hyderabad).

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