------------Indian Welcoming Committee-----------

------------Indian Welcoming Committee-----------

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Weekend Preview

One of the best things about this India work assignment is weekend travel. Almost every weekend, we go somewhere and see new sights. This weekend's destination du jour:

Taj Mahal!

No, No, No, not that Taj Mahal! Silly blog program!

There, that's better. The Taj Mahal!

Yep tomorrow at the ungodly hour of 4:15 AM our flight departs from Hyderabad to New Delhi. We arrive New Delhi at 6:15 AM, and then take a car from Delhi to Agra, which is about a 4 hour drive. Pretty exhausting travel regimen, this Taj Mahal better be something else! Anyway, even if the Taj disappoints, we're staying in a fancy hotel in Agra, so at least that'll be cool, and a good place to recover on lost sleep!

Hope you all have a good weekend whatever it is you are up to. Joel and Dad I'm excited about the prospect of having you over here soon! Where do you guys want to go? Let's start figuring it out.

(blog post side note -- Taj Mahal's (musician) picture was the first to come up on a Google search for "Taj Mahal"...I wonder how many people stumble upon his music thru that...anyway reminded me that I have to get home soon so I can upload the Taj Mahal cd I have to my Ipod!!!)

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