------------Indian Welcoming Committee-----------

------------Indian Welcoming Committee-----------

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


To quote a phrase painted on an Indian autorickshaw, "Smile often, it costs nothing." In general, Indians seem to take that to heart.

School kids posing in Mahabalipuram

Women in Goa, doing chores

Kid goofing around in his parents Charminar bangle shop

Mahabs fisherman, on his boat, laughing about a greedy fish who ate both pieces of bait

Occasionally, a large group of Indians will swarm an expat wanting a photo to be taken. Here's an example. (with Alex, from Australia, as the focus)

These kids were playing on the beach in a small village north of Mahabs

Goans, out for a ride

Mahabs kids, running out of the pond to say hello


Goofing around


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